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dsgrue3 said:
DaRev said:
So you have not drawn any conclusions about God then or about the Bible, or have you?

Well this I would consider a religious debate, and while you have not admitted your ignorance to even fundamental religious discoveries meaning you have less knowledge on the subject matter than myself and the rest of the people arguing with you, you clearly are ignorant of Christian and other religious principles. Authority issue or what? We Christians are not lying in order to discredit or convince you or Science, we're basing our information on what has been theorized/observed/evidenced. Do you not understand this?

The Bible is a book of fables. It isnt' relevant in discussions of a supernatural being unless the only possibility you consider is that one described in the Bible?

As there is no evidence for the existence of God, I do not BELIEVE in his existence, but I cannot state that He does not exist. It is the same as you cannot state that He does. 

Your alteration to my statement is entirely ridiculous. Christians base nothing on theory/observation/evidence. They place the entirety of their religion in a book. 

I hope you understand the difference, but I doubt you're capable of such trivialities.

What sounds like a fable is this theory of a universe is expanding into nothingness with a bunch of other universes, because of some theoritical light that purportedly has all the answers to existance - really? ha ha

But you can BELIEVE what you want to, I will do as well.

Your statement was highly rediculous in the first place so I agree, as it I proved nothing. Christians do based their whole existance on theory/observation/evidence, over many generations culminated in a single book. However, you do not put christianity or religion in lab and bounce light off of it and expect to see Jesus - I think that is your problem. You seem to think that only Scientist can Thoerise, Observe, and put forward Eveidence, which shows you closeminded view of anything outside of Science.

See my friend your problem is that you cannot hold on to Christianity put it in a lab, disect or bounce lights off to see what effect it has. Maybe you really should have taken some religious classes, cause Science has made your thinking biased and onesided.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.