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dsgrue3 said:
DaRev said:
Funny how you can accept certain things that are "untestable" like what's outside our universe, but at the same time reject certain things that "untestable" like God. Funny, doesn't it mean then that you need FAITH to believe what these Scientists are saying about the God Particle (lol that must be very offensive term to some).

I mean you can't test it, but believe in it?  What if this dude came out tomorrow and tells you he not only found the God Particle (love that name) but he actually found God,   - what then? What if this dude come out and tells you he found the Heavn Particle outside of the untestable space that our untestable but acceptable Universe(s), all 6 of them, are expanding into - what then? You guys must have FAITH as big as Christians

Anyways, nope never did physics or biology - why? Have you taken religious classes at college?

If it isn't a testable hypothesis, no conclusions can be drawn. I do not accept anything without evidence. As has been shown to you several times now, the "God Particle" [fabricated media term] known to science as the Higgs Boson has been discovered.

You have admitted to being ignorant to even fundamental scientific discoveries meaning you have less knowledge on the subject matter than the rest of the people arguing with you. Authority issue or what? We're not lying in order to discredit you, we're basing our information on what has been theorized/observed/evidenced. Do you not understand this?

So you have not drawn any conclusions about God then or about the Bible, or have you?

Well this I would consider a religious debate, and while you have not admitted your ignorance to even fundamental religious discoveries meaning you have less knowledge on the subject matter than myself and the rest of the people arguing with you, you clearly are ignorant of Christian and other religious principles. Authority issue or what? We Christians are not lying in order to discredit or convince you or Science, we're basing our information on what has been theorized/observed/evidenced. Do you not understand this?

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.