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Dodece said:

For once I completely understand where your coming from. There is a great deal of sentimental value in a watch. A certain degree of dignity and pride in having such a nice and functional thing. Unfortunately I have long since stopped wearing watches for that reason. The mental anguish that comes from breaking a nice watch. I always had a penchant for shattering the crystal, or dropping it and causing damage.

It has been a couple years since I wore a watch, and now usually use my cell phone. I am just not in the mood to wear another one just to break it and feel guilty. I dare not wear my jewelry for the same reason. I can't bear the thought of losing it, or damaging it.

That might be part of the equation. Unless your in a position to be extremely careful with them they can be a liability. That and being in a throw away society once broke its not worth fixing.

Well, we reached an understanding!

I guess it is easy to break watches just like most other things you wear. Personally I don't use a cell phone so that's not something I have to keep time with. As far as the watch business goes there's still tons of mechanical watches being sold (go Switzerland!) and very few watchmakers left (and not many getting trained) so there's no shortage of work. I have found it interesting to hear what people use to keep time.