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Player1x3 said:
KungKras said:
Player1x3 said:
dsgrue3 said:
Player1x3 said:
Ugh, and you yet again miss the point. I wasn't pointing out how many people atheism killed (atheism AS WELL AS CHRISTIANITY does not promote murder), but how many people have atheist leaders and regimes have killed. And you cant possibly be that naive to think that only 1200 people were killed out of religious reasons, can you now? 

Yes, because Hitler killed Jews because of atheism. In what world is that a sensible conclusion? Why didn't he kill every single theist then? Why did he persecute the Jewish faith? Why just one?

You might as well be saying "Hitler had a moustache" and then proceed to tell me how many people died from leaders with moustaches. I hope you see how laughably absurd your logic is.

You're getting desperate. Please just hop off my ass already. I didnt say Hitler killed in the name of atheism. I said, he was an atheist leader who killed millions of people as a response to a guy who said ''you'd never have to fear an atheist ruler'' Well, history proves that statement to be laughable. 

And btw, Hitler might be one of the very few atheist leaders that actually didnt kill in the name of a(theism)nti theism...pretty much everyone else did

Except that wasn't the original statment at all. The original statement was that atheists don't kill one another over religious differences. If you want to debate that, go ahead, that would be fun.

Also, there is no logical pathway from atheism that leads to killing people, but there is a logical pathway from religion (IE God told me to kill these people).

The original statement was (the one i was quoting) was the you shouldnt fear atheists because they dont kill people. And i proved that they do kill, especially over religious differences. I mean Hitler killed people because they were Jews, Stalin and the others killed them for not being atheists/being theists. And I dont want to debate something that is already widely accepted in historic community. 

Hitler was not a athiests. He believed in a supreme race that was choosen by god. Just cause he didn't use christianity as his main platform, does not mean he was not religious. This is like saying Osama bin laden was a athiests. You are clearly lost and need a history lesson.