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dsgrue3 said:
DaRev said:

I wish him luck trying to figure this stuff out - dude looks like he's 90. He will die 100 times over, generations come and gone before he figures out anything other than light crashes into itself lol. Good luck with that. Thanks, but no thanks, until Scienece figures out the Universe I'll read my Bible, and die with Science and Faith.


Question, he mentioned the Universe expanding, and the possibility of other Universes expaning as well - but what are these Universes expanining into, i.e. what is outside of our Universe? By the way where did these Crystal and exploding Light particles come from? Possibly that unknown void that our Universes are expanding into?

Everything you're asking is untestable. The expansion of the Universe is a rate that exceeds the speed of light. The higgs boson confirms our Standard Model of particle physics. The higgs boson was only theorized prior to such a finding.

Question, have you taken any physics or biology courses at the college level?

Funny how you can accept certain things that are "untestable" like what's outside our universe, but at the same time reject certain things that "untestable" like God. Funny, doesn't it mean then that you need FAITH to believe what these Scientists are saying about the God Particle (lol that must be very offensive term to some).

I mean you can't test it, but believe in it?  What if this dude came out tomorrow and tells you he not only found the God Particle (love that name) but he actually found God,   - what then? What if this dude come out and tells you he found the Heavn Particle outside of the untestable space that our untestable but acceptable Universe(s), all 6 of them, are expanding into - what then? You guys must have FAITH as big as Christians

Anyways, nope never did physics or biology - why? Have you taken religious classes at college?

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.