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#14 - Lylat Wars, or StarFox 64 in the rest of the world, is a game I've played millions of times. There's just something about about a game that's so short you can get through it in an hour. At that point, it doesn't matter anymore that it's short, because you can replay the game every time trying to do better each time. For reference, 6 hour-short is bad, 1 hour-short is good. This is probably why it's such a perfect fit for the 3DS. Plus the box is a little less intimidating compared to the 'Big-Box' of the N64 version. Anyway, in Europe the original N64 version of the game's called Lylat Wars instead of StarFox because of trademark issues with an old Atari game. The SNES StarFox goes by the name of 'Starwing', but apparently the trademark expired something after the N64 was out because the GameCube StarFox games in Europe are actually called 'StarFox'.

There isn't much to be said that hasn't been already though. The game's awesome. It has everything, from fast paced action to challenging levels. The memorable quotes throughout the game finishes it up nicely! The game features multiple paths to the end which have varying difficulty. Most levels feature some kind of secret to unlock (or rather, proceed) the more difficult (and better) levels.
When I found this out, I search everywhere in all the levels. That is why I could credit this game for being the one that initiated me into looking for secrets, and not leaving any stone... well, asteroid, unturned for the first time in my gaming career. A skill that proved useful during my quest in the game at #1 in this list.

# 13 - ?
I like to think, and the clues are there in the intro cinematic, that this game is about the exploration of the world my country (Netherlands) did a couple of centuries ago.