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platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Ugh another PSN and XBL thread, this is only going to have arguments in it.

XBL already has more features than PSN and is respected even with a price. If it was free then their would be no reason to even compare PSN and XBL. With that said PSN will add more features in the PS4 PSN and close that gap too. However here is my predictions.

XBL will be adding the multimedia service which will be it's biggest difference. Cable, Movies, Internet, all in one. Kinect is now a keyboard, mouse, and remote in a way.

PSN will be adding PS+ as the online service and they willbe adding party chat. PSN+ will be a paid subscription next generation but at a cheaper cost than XBL.

In the end these are two totally different services. XBL has XBLA, Halo, Gears, Party chat, and so much more atm that PSN doesnt have but on the other hand things could change next generation so it is too hard to predict accurately. I stated my prediction though.

so basically party chat considering they both have exclusives and PSN has dowloadable games like XBLA

Not exactly.  XBLA and games like Halo and Gears are important to online communities.  Sony hasn't really brought a big multiplayer title this gen.  They have been moderetely successful at times with Killzone and resistance but failed at the same time.  

The point of my comment was not to compare the two though, it was more of a prediction than anything.  This generation, like it or not but XBL has more success with online and it's multiplayer.  Next generation that could change though.

hopefully they will launch at the same time and at similar prices so people will look at factors like games and online cost that may have been secondary this gen for the mass audience (not saying Sony has better games for everyone, but I feel like a lot of people just wanted to play COD and their friends already had 360s or it was cheaper)

I agree and disagree.  one reason XBL is popular is because of people's friends, but XBL also has the bigger brand name and will likely be moving into next gen with that on it's side.  FPS games are more popular in america so it'll most likely stay this way.  However that is not my point.  You are correct about the friend thing in away.

Looking at the rumors and if you believe them to be true, Sony will be the last out of the gate again although it wont be as long next time although I don't believe it'll be a full year this time like last time.  

EDIT: Regarding CoD btw, CoD has timed exclusive content with MSFT which also helps.  That and controller preferences.  Americans seem to like 360's controler more so it isn't just one thing that is keeping CoD of reaching 360's heights.