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So let me see if I got this right, you're not satisfied with 3DS, from launch and you decide to sell it and get another product at launch...despite the fact that the 3ds was the third launch system you bought from Ninty and ended up being let down. You're cool Ryan, but IMHO you kind of sound like a damn fool, or at least one of those woman who are in a bad relationship and dont have the common sense or self respect to leave. Doing something over and over again and expecting different results...there is a word for that.

I find it comical that you crap on 3ds by saying it just had old games, where pretty much more than half of the Wii U library is just that, BUT if you dont game on a PS360/PC then i guess they are new to you so game on. Wouldnt recommend ME3 though. But really, Im glad you got rid of it, seeing post after post of 3ds complaining was getting a bit sad, what were you expecting?