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KungKras said:
Alara317 said:
KungKras said:
Alara317 said:

Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I don't argue with religious folks.  

Yet you argued with him before you stopped :P

I know, I'm so goddamn ashamed, too.  I made it clear I don't like debating religion becuase people can't do what it takes to make religion a legitimate debate topic and are unable to even try to rationalize their standpoint, yet all that did was open myself up to people trying and failing to find fault in my arguments.  

I understand why though. It's so hard to just leave these things be xD

It's an insult to my intelligence.  Even if they are completely off the mark, failing to use the slightest bit of logic and making wild claims and accusations without substantial proof to back it up...I still feel the need to defend my point of view even though I really shouldn't have to.  It's just that ego that gets in the way.  

They say the more you know, the more ignorant you feel, and that's kind of why I feel I have so much to learn, and why I feel the need to defend myself.  See, I've done plenty of learning in my life, and I KNOW that science doesn't have all the answers, and I don't even know everything that the institution of science has been able to teach me, but what I do know is that science is a great way to learn more about the world around you, and if something I believe to be true now is disproven, then like the intelligent person I am, I will factor in the new evidence into what is accepted as truth.  

Religion doesn't do this.  Far as the religious are concerned, they already know the truth and won't bend from that no matter how much evidence is presented to counter their argument.  The arguments the religious people on this site (and the world over) are resorting to in an attempt to defend their faith is flat out pathetic and an insult to the institution of scientific advancement.  The philisophical debates passed as facts and truths combined with the arguing over semantics (what is atheism?  what is faith?  what is belief?) as well as the insistence that just becuase a book SAYS something means it's true is saddening.  It's planting a seed of doubt that doesn't need to be there.  All that needs to be there is healthy skepticism both for religion and science, equally so.  the difference is that science has a mountain of evidence supporting its claims, and religion has nothing but a pile of what-ifs masquerading as truths.  

The very fact that people believe in God, that they follow a religion, despite there being absolutely no evidence backing up either idea or faith beyond a powerdul need to have hope and faith saddens me and can only hold us back as a population.  Religion and science don't need to be mutually exclusive, but the idea that entire masses of people beleive something despite a saddening lack of evidence is certainly not helping us advance at all.  There may have been a time when Religion helped us all band together and form societies, but that time has long passed, and it's time to stop believing in Santa Claus and grow up.