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Religion has seriously been pwned in this thread thats for sure.

To be honest I find religion offensive in general. Just the general backwards thinking of it.

If I were to walk around the streets today and try to convince people that I can talk to snakes aka Harry Potter style, I would be locked up in a mental asylum by the religious people who claim that the bible has talking snakes. I dont personally believe in any religion. But if its true and, i am just saying it for arguments sakes, than i would say a big f-u to God because of what he stands for and what he expects from me. When i say god i mean all religions not just one.

Young boys get their genitals mutilated because of religion.
Children are refused treatment to life threatening diseases because of religion.
People are exposed to STD's which can be life threatening because of religion. (Not allowed to use condoms)
Woman are forced to have children they dont want or may die carrying as they are not healthy enough to last a full length pregnancy.
Animals are beneath us.
Woman are inferior.
Woman get raped and children murdered.
Slavery is ok
Humans were left to suffer for thousands of years before god thought they needed saving.
Water gets turned to wine
Human sacrifice in the name of the lord is ok?

I wonder how many religious people would sacrifice their children in the name of the lord? If someone was on the news today and killed his child and said it was in the name of the lord, would you want him/her put into jail?

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st