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Actually, I think the Blu-Ray point is a good one. For all I laid into the PS3 with my first post, it is worth adding that because of the PS3, Blu-Ray won the HD format war.

So, where the PS3 was certainly a failure in its initial years, it still managed to pull Blu-Ray through to winning the physical video format war, and that brings Sony (and many others) different advantages. So, the PS3 may not have won the console war (or come anywhere near close to it), but it did help win other wars, so it's not a complete loser (so to speak).

Also, I feel its worth adding that the PS3 is doing just fine today (as is the 360) for all its early woes. Sure, it's still not the winner Sony initially expected, but it is a solid performer when the market is viewed as a whole, and certainly a winner as far as customers are concerned (though that would not have been the case had the PS3 'won' -- so thank goodness it initially did so poorly!).

Actually, thinking on that, I think the PS3 losing this generation was certainly to my benefit as a gamer, as Sony have really upped their game these last few years. PS+ alone is a revelation. Yay to competition!