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The update fiasco was a mess, and it's still missing some key online features, but overall, I am satisfied and optimistic for the future.

1. Miiverse is awesome. If the ability to create communities is added, it would be the best thing in the world.
2. ZombiU shows that this system has potential. It uses the gamepad really well, and adds to the fear. I look forward to whatever Nintendo cooks up for it.
3. Gamepad is very comfy, one of the most comfortable controllers I've ever used. (I do have huge hands though)
4. Gamepad Speaker+Surround Sound= Surprisingly awesome sound system.

Overall, I'm happy with my purchase, but I want more features added, and more games. I hope that this is better than the Wii, which really burned me on several fronts. I like the controller much better, and it can actually put out games that look decent. (Wii games looked bad even for their time) So I don't think this is the Nintendo Renascence that we were all hoping for, but it will be a definite step up from the Wii.