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After 1 month on the market and well over 1.8 million units sold, how is the Wii U doing?

It's been a whole month now since Nintendo's newest home console launched in North America. It's now available in all major markets, and have sold over 1.8 million units - and that's just in it's THREE first weeks. But is that good or bad? It's not as successful as the Wii, but it seems to be doing better at the start than both of the PS3 and Xbox360.

The best selling games so far are NintendoLand (albeit bundled) and NSMBU, followed by (would you believe it?!) a 3rd party game; ZombiU. Most of the other 3rd party games aren't doing as well as ZombiU, and there's still some concerns that Wii U won't be fully backed by 3rd parties. Heck, there's even some concerns that Wii U won't be able to run next-gen games at all!

So what do you guys think? How IS the Wii U doing, and how do you think it will continue to do?! Discuss!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.