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Kasz216 said:

1) Infant mortality rate is in fact a health indicator that has to do with lifestyle.   Just the lifestyle of the mother. Their smoking/drug use etc, is all vitally important.

2) Different countries measure infant mortality different.  In the US, any child that is born and breathes is an infant.   Other countries require a certain weight or length to qualify.


3)  ) 

(Numbers are statistically standardized vs and "average" amount of accidental deaths  hence why some countries life expetancy drops)

Technically every health indicator is affected by life style, just some less than others. As far as I know every developed countries uses WHO guidelines for infant mortality rate and it has nothing to do with weight or height.

Also I would love to see the source for that figure, not to mention a more up to date figure too. I've had to research these things pretty extensively for class and I've never heard about standardization against accidental deaths, and would be interested to see which organizations use it in their calculations.


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