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I am agnostic. I do not believe in god, nor do I actively not believe in God. I believe that there is a possibility of a higher being existing, because being a higher being we may not necessarily comprehend it.

I do not, however, believe any contemporary religions with deities are anything more then myths. The books and stories of Christianity Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and the thousands of other religions that exist in the world today, are nothing more then myths, perpetrated my men and women struggling to understand the world around them with the limited knowledge they had at their disposal. Contemporary science did not exist until a few hundred years ago. Please note I said "contemporary". As a result man has had to mostly rely on myths and legends to explain their world, as well as pass on lessons about life and values.

Religion, in addition to being a product of human ignorance, is a product of human arrogance. Religion is all about humans presuming to know what God is, or what Gods are. They sometimes presume that THEY are the chosen people of those Gods. As far as I'm concerned, it is not man's place to presume to know God, or claim a relationship with God, because whatever God is, is probably far beyond what we can comprehend.

Of course, that's just my position. But one need only look at humanity's past to see that religion is not a permanent, never changing part of man's world. Religions can be born, and they can die. Many of the most famous ancient religions with their elaborate legends and massive pantheons have long since died, replaced by contemporary, typically monotheistic religions. Religions are, at their heart, cultural, and can die just as easily as any other custom. That, to me, hardly makes any religion something that can compete with science as a legitimate worldview. Of course, to be fair,the belief in science is also cultural, but it is also something based on evidence and theories, not conjecture from several thousand year old scripture. Science is alive. Science not only can change, it WANTS to change and always doubts itself. It is the product of humility.

Might the big bang have been caused by some sort of deity? Perhaps. Was it caused by the christian God? As arrogant as this will sound to many Christians (and they'd be right) I'm going to say no, because of what I've said earlier.

In the end, as far as I'm concerned, its Christians that need to prove that their God exists. My proof that God doesn't exist is simple: there is no proof that he does. There's no proof that Bigfoot exists either, that doesn't mean its up to a scientist to prove that he doesn't. That's why it is the big foot believers, not the skeptics, who are out hunting for proof.

I don't expect I've changed any minds here, or even caused anyone to double think their beliefs. This was fun to write though. :P