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Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
RoryGamesFree said:
how anyone can think Halo 4 is the pinochle of 360 graphics is beyond me, it's not even close to the top 10 xbox games graphics wise, play Far Cry 3 or Battlefield 3 if you want a 360 shooter with immense graphics, don't take fanboyism to stupid levels and talk about graphics and Halo, the only thing Halo trumps graphics wise is CoD and that's hardly difficult, at least CoD does the online properly, Halo is just for sad kids who wank and take drugs all the time cause they think it makes them more "manly" and "cool" in reality they are neither.

Forza is fair enough, racing sims tend to push the graphics boundaries pretty well.


What an ugly game.

Reported for: "Halo is just for sad kids who wank and take drugs all the time cause they think it makes them more "manly" and "cool" in reality they are neither"


If you're wondering. 

I really couldn't care less what Halo fanboys think about anything, you are barely even "gamers"