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Parents who think that videogames will make their kids (or -can make someone-) violent are bad parents (generally, nothing to do with your mom i bet she's cool) if you where a good parent and raised your son correctly, talking and teaching him your morals and manners (because your are not a murderer right?) then he would know, and you should trust in what you teached him - Now people who worry about this matter are those who deep inside know they haven't done their work, they fear because deep iside they know they didn't sat with their sons to talk about murder, sex, beliefs, prostitution, drugs, war, etc-etc... that kind of people who expect the government to take care of their kids, or try to keep them busy for most part of the day, those who expect the tv to raise their kids but get mad when it doesn't show the religion they want, the music they want, even the clothes they want pfff, i wish i was more proficient in the english language so i could express all my felings... this topic in particular makes me sick, we need to understand that these guys are not 18 year olds whose but just tickled and they decided to kill someone, this is something a lot more deeper that has to do with how they've lived so far, this ''mental condition'' starts when you are a kid and develops from there if you (and your surroundings) feed it and it certainly has nothing to do with tapping buttons while in front of a screen.

Do parents fear for what their kids play?