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Rath said:

You simply lack knowledge of the meaning of the word.

According to the Oxford dictionary online.


Definition of agnostic


  • a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.


  • relating to agnostics or agnosticism.
  • (in a non-religious context) having a doubtful or non-committal attitude towards something:until now I’ve been fairly agnostic about electoral reform
  • [usually in combination] Computing denoting or relating to hardware or software that is compatible with many types of platform or operating system: many common file formats (JPEG, MP3, etc.) are platform-agnostic



As you can see - in a religious context the video was entirely right and that while theism and atheism have to do with belief agnosticism has to do with knowledge.This isn't something we can really debate about, you simply have the definition of the word wrong.

Anybody who has ever thought seriously about this stuff should realize that pulling a definition out a dictionary doesn't really get you anywhere all honesty....they tend to be flat-out wrong when looking at complex topics. For example, look at the definition of science:

"the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."

Not that it isn't a good start, but I think anybody who has done any reading knows that a proper definition of science requires a much more nuanced definition that takes into account verification, falsification, scientifc progress, scientific relevancy, quality of work, etc.

Another example, democracy,

"a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."

Once again, it overlooking some important compenents of democracy, particularly contested elections, among many others. I could keep posting examples, but the main point is that these definitions actually end up resulting in many things that are not science or democracy being classified as such. Same thing with that definition of agnostic. Truth is, there are huge literatures on these subjects, however, the people truly grappling with these issues are not writing dictionaries.