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FinalEvangelion said:
Well, Sony isn't calling the shots like they did the last two generations. I think the PS3 will go down as the biggest recovery from near-absolute failure (losing all 3rd parties, or being withdrawn). They were dangerously close this last year. After seeing the quarterly reports, there is enough evidence that Sony is here to stay and good games will continue to be made for it.

Hey, look at it this way: Sony has proven that they can take a hit and recover (gracefully or not).  Nintendo has proven that they could get owned (for a long time, lol) and come back.  If PS3 does admirably for the rest of its life and demonstrates its resilience after that first year, Sony will have proven their mettle and their eagerness to compete for gamers.  Unfortunately Microsoft doesn't need to be resilient, with all that money, lol.