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Mr Khan said:
15. Super Metroid, SNES/VC (1994/2007) Nintendo

The Last Metroid is in Captivity... With these haunting words was this tremendous game launched into the pinnacle of 2D Metroid-dom (though not the pinnacle of Metroid), a game that, despite being a retread of the original Metroid, created a perfect balance of mood, bosses and secrets. This game gives you so many reasons to love it, whether you're into art, gameplay, speedruns, precision, exploration, or just dicking around.

I don't consider Super Metroid to be a retread of Metroid. The only common locations I can think of are the ruins of the original game's fight with Mother Brain and the morph ball / first missile location on Brinstar but I think including them was a brillant way of showing Samus is returning to Zebes where she previously wrecked havock.

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