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I don't think that it'll be a failure one bit!!

Although it probably would be a failure for the other two. (Microsoft and Nintendo) Maybe not Nintendo so much because their console sales have been declining since the beginning. (NES - Wii) As of right now the Wii is the only console this generation that is actually considered to be a success unlike the 360 and PS3. Even at the beginning of the new generation of video games, Nintendo didn't even expect the sales the Wii is getting.

The ONLY reason the Wii will EVER be a FAILURE if it doesn't outsell the worldwide sales of the Nintendo Gamecube. And with only 3.5 million more sales to go, looks like Nintendo might accomplish that goal. Nintendo has been making a profit since the first Wii has been sold so that could consider the Wii successful.

Yes, the PS2 pretty much set the record for most consoles sold in a console generation and still going strong and quite frankly, even with the Wii out there outselling everything, won't beat that record nor will it be close to beating that record. But then again, it really doesn't need to since the was the PREVIOUS generation.

I just realized that I've been talking about the Wii all this time and I'm supposed to be talking about something else.

Oh yeah, the only way in my eyes, the PS3 could be considered a failure would be that if it's Blu-Ray component doesn't succeed. If Sony doesn't make any money off of the PS3 in terms of profit. MAYBE if the PS3 doesn't surpass its predecessor, the PS2.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY