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My first Mario game was 64, so the 3D games are really what I like the most. I will say this though, I did play SMB, SMB3, and SMW before the original NSMB came out. I loved those games, the music is fantastic, the games were visually unique, and they just felt well done. NSMB was decent, but nothing mind blowing. NSMBWii was pretty awful, really not even fun. NSMB2 is perhaps the most rushed game I have seen Nintendo put out, really made me not want to touch a Mario game for a long time. Now I'm almost done with NSMBU, and while it's EASILY the best in the "New" series, it's terrible music and "meh" graphics really hold it back. It's the best, but I'm so burnt out on Mario after NSMB2, that I'm not enjoying it to the level of the classics.

Nintendo really should give this series a looong break. Make another DKCR, that game was the best 2D platformer you've put out since the SNES. (Seriously, DKCR is perhaps better than the originals.)