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Mr Khan said:
oniyide said:
LMAO @ No More Heroes comparison. THe fact that someone is still using that fail argument tells me some people still dont know what the hell they are talking about. That game was released on HD consoles 3 YEARS after the Wii release in JAPAN ONLY. and didnt make it stateside till the next year. Oh wow, a 4 year late game didnt sell better than the original release LOL.

Plus the game wasnt that good to begin with, why in the hell would someone who has an HD console play taht game in lieu of God of War, Bayonetta, DMC, hell Castlevania all in the same genre and all are vastly better than NMHs. For a real comparison how about we use games that came out the SAME time on all consoles, bet money that would make the Wii not look that great in that regard. Hell every COD game alone. Yes even 3 since the 360 version still ended up outselling it. Was it cause the wii version sucked or because the audience for that type of game is more 360 prone, i say both.

Skipping Modern Warfare killed them.

So really, it's Infinity Ward's fault. Part of the reason i was glad to see them get taken to the cleaners by Activision.

I guessed you missed the part where I stated that the 360 version of COD3 still outsold the Wii one. Im not saying MW not being on it didnt hurt, but im sure that the result would have been the same anyway. the only difference is the WIi version would have sold more but still would have been far behind the PS360/PC versions