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#16 - Super Mario Galaxy is better than it's successor. It is. Though it doesn't feature Yoshi, it does have a regular open hub-world, which a 3D Mario should have. I don't like the 2D-style level selection that is present in the 3D Mario's after Galaxy. That said, Galaxy is brilliant. Level design in this game is unparalleled and technically the game goes far beyond what the Wii could do. Of course, it's successor went even further, but I can't stress the level selection issue enough. Also, what's special in this game, is that it finally took the story element in a Mario game a bit further. For those who don't care, you could ignore it, but for those who looked, they found a fairly fleshed out and even emotional little story tucked away in some dusty books. Complete with beautiful hand-drawings! Because I like good hand-drawings and paintings, details like this are to me, always very special.

15 - ?
Sometime after release, the popularity of this game shot up to impossible heights and became a world-wide phenomenon when it's concept was introduced in another media.