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jer133 said:

Evidence? Proof? Most people don't like the idea that there might be something greater/stronger then them out in the world. It is unfortunately believed that anything with greater power would use it to force its will on others. People like to be in control, they like to have choices so its easier to believe that the world/the universe/life in general is all some cosmic accident rather then think they are some pawn on some cosmic chessboard. Which of course is ridculous. Why would some creator create some intricate world and web of interdependent species just to mess with them? People like to belive in absolutes, all christians are intolerant, all republicans are pure evil, all democrats are above reproach and president Bush has never done a bit of good in his entire life. There can't be a god because he would act like my 4 year old nephew instead of some kindly old grandfather. Or there can't be a god because there's evil in the world because god somehow controls everyone or he should control everyone or something. That last one I admit I'll never understand.

Just a few thoughts. There is no wind in outerspace. When a comet sails by mini earth's aren't created in its wake. So the Big Bang happened for no logical reason at all and created our world and solar system. Convenient.

There was no life on Earth and then magically there was for no reason at all. Some lightning struck the mud and poof! Life. Think about it you have a room full of furniture and then for no reason an English bulldog forms out of the ground. Thats why creationists are so stupid they don't see the logic of scientific fact. Convenient.

We can find dinosaur bones from millions of years ago but we can't find a half monkey half caveman fossil from 60,000 years ago. The missing link as it were. I guess thats because the missing link was made entirely of jello and had no bones. Someone call Bill Cosby. Convenient.

Evolution is based on overcoming obstacles in ones environment. Natural selection if you will, if you are better able to deal with your environment you will flourish. So if your environment doesn't change neither would you. You would have no reason to evolve. Thats why Geico was able to travel to the Amazon rainforest and collect a bunch of cavemen for their commercials. Oh wait I forgot we all magically evolved at the same time. Darwin waved his magical wand and poof! Convenient.

Cows never have litters they at most have 2 calfs at a time. For some reason they have 4 udders though. Makes it easier for humans to milk them often without the cows getting sore. I guess Darwin forgot to use the wand on them. Convenient.

Chickens lay tons of eggs all the time. Only a tiny fraction ever get fertilized. It is good for a growing population so they don't use up all their sources of food (humans perhaps?) especially if they are on the top of the food chain but for the chickens it is an awful waste. I guess Darwin forgot to evolve them also. Convenient.

Believe what you wish. That Tom Cruise imagined us all into existence, that space aliens created everything and put us all here, or that theres some benevolent god up there that believes you are all special, you are all unique and is cheering you all on to be the heroes you were meant to be.

Those evil Christians that try to force you to believe by sharing their faith instead of shutting up about it? Well look at the pope he goes around telling everyone that they are special, they are gods children, they aren't alone, that they should strive to be perfect (good) people and that the evil they face in their lives makes them stronger.

If there is no such thing as god would the pope have wasted his life? Telling people overcoming their suffering made them strong, giving them hope, that they are loved eternally by their creator, that they will be rewarded for living like good people? I don't think so.

My fingers were crushed by a marble sink when I was in kindergarten, two of them were completely severed. They took me to the doctors and were able to sew them on. It shouldn't have worked because I was so young and the time it took to get me to the hospital. But it did work. My fingers were able to be reattached I still remember doctors coming in having me make a fist calling me miracle boy and running batteries of tests on my fingers.

I should not have them.

Evidence that there is a god? I could point to many things, the miracle of childbirth, the hole in the ozone layer in the Antartic mysteriously fixing itself, people helping complete strangers with no gain for themselves, evil heartless organized religions setting up soup kitchens, the miracles at Fatimah, bleeding statues that were never explained, the core samples that were taken from across Asian and Africa showing there was once a great flood (Noah anyone?) but I'll just look at my fingers on my right hand and remember.

There are no accidents.





I like how you have a problem with evolution poofing life into existence (even though that's not even close to being accurate), but have no trouble believing a God just poofed things into existence.