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Gaming Discussion - Enslaved - View Post

I really enjoyed the game. Now I think back to it I could definitely play it through again, unlike other games I have played this gen.

It was a great game for the first instalment of a series. Monkey, Trip and especially Pigsy were a lot of fun. I think the gameplay was a lot of fun. I know some people say the combat wasn't that deep, but it was never meant to be, it was what was promised, a great adventure game.

The thing with Heavenly Sword, was it was just, action, action, action. With Enslaved it was a lot more balanced.

The thing I will criticise is the upgrade system, it felt a little tacked on. I think this is one of Ninja Theory's weaknesses. They did well with the game, but after I finished it and got all the trophies and tech orbs, the game didn't offer me anything else. I think they need to improve the re-playability of their games. So deeper customisation options for Monkey's staff would be nice. All in all, great game, disappointing sales.