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Flat taxation is the only way you can get everybody to pay their fair share. The UK increased the highest rate tax from 40% to 50% just at the end of the last government in 2010. Tax revenues from that bracket have dropped since.

Now their is uproar because the rate is being dropped to 45% in April because apparently "the poor are subsidizing the rich tax breaks". However, it's more likely that the lower rate will bring in more tax receipts, which in turn means more money to fund the NHS and benefits for those on hard times.

Don't get me wrong, we do need to pay tax, however I think a flat 15% tax for ALL citizens (remembering that the less you earn, the less 15% actually is in monetary terms), a close down of all avoidance/loopholes, you pay this 15% on any form of income, and then very harsh penalties for those still avoiding tax, will actually benefits such as me on lower wages as I'll pay less tax, but the sheer number of extra people who have been avoiding tax will more than compensate and put more money into the system.

It's just that no government has the balls to try anything radical.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.