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I find it weird that we're still trying to have political/religious discussions the same way on the internets in 2013 when it's obvious how this always goes. I figured out a long time ago that most people who are attracted to those threads are the pushy opinionated, love-for-controversy types who try to pose opinions as fact. It's not the topic that is a problem, it's the people trying to push their own POV are overwhelming to the discussion. Usually involves people telling things at each other and nobody is ever really listening. Nobody is looking to change their own point of view. I may share my own but I expect nobody but the people who can relate to it care and are really listening lol... I still might share, but I don't want to 'debate' something I firmly believe.

Now, it would be different if somebody opened up an honest thread about themselves looking for objective spiritual advice relative to their own life theory where everyone is talking about how they've come to their own conclusions. That would be more helpful usually. It's incredibly easy for people to resort to personal attacks otherwise, because everyone wants to control the discussion and exchange of logic in a religion versus non-religion thread. The problem is, too many ideas and too much going on at once. It's a no-brainer for me why it goes bad.

Edit: Well, maybe political topics are easier... but it just depends on how broad. The broader, more divided the range of the topic, the worse I think.