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People might call the PS3 a failure for the following reasons: IF...

1. PS3 doesn't beat the Wii out in terms of sales. Hardware esp. or revenue.

2. PS3 doesn't sell LTD better than GameCube or even XBox.

3. PS3 doesn't make a profit (worse case) or the profit is marginal (say 2% on their investment)

4. Number 3 happens and somehow BluRay doesn't become the standard for HD.

5. Sony comes out with a new box 2 years from now, and discontinues the PS3.

My guess?

1 will happen but that doesn't make PS3 a failure. Just means it wasn't perceived as the best console by the buying public for the money.

2 would be a failure, I think all would agree, since it would imply 3. But 2 won't happen.

3 has the highest possibility I think. Though they did a great job of cutting cost so far.

4 looks very unlikely, and will probably be cited as PS3 best success story.

5 very unlikely as well.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.