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I am worried for the Wii U :(, the developers will focus on the "Next Gen systems" unfortunately:
-they think they know this market better (the hardcores) so the games they will make will be sold for this systems instead of the Wii U, for some reason this guys can't figure out the Nintendo market, they are afraid of making a port of their games because they think it won't sell.
-the addition of a screen (just like the motion controllers) is something different they dont want to deal with (this is stupid, because they could support off tv and be done with it... but nope... they will probably won't even bother)
-they have to compete with Nintendos 1st party games
-the Next Gen systems probably will have a combined instal base superior to the Wii U (remember that they will treat the new Xbox and ps4 like they are one system, with a fan base they know how to sell games)