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I'm not sure they can be as big as Bethesda if they keep doing what they do - make games that are obviously Japanese in style. Bethesda makes games for western audience - for example, out of 13.7 mils that Skyrim sold, only 0.28 are from Japan. So if Monolith Soft wants West to recognize their future titles as something that is made for them I really hope they paid attention to something like Demon's/Dark Souls IPs who sit quite well in WRPG space, although being (for now) somewhat niche.

Honestly, as much as I mostly don't agree with Malstrom, he has a very good point when he states that (at least current) western mainstream audience just doesn't care for Japanese culture that much, and I see that as major obstacle Japanese developers have when trying to make something that is comparable to western mega-hits.