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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Release Date: February 19, 2013 (PS3, Xbox 360)
Coming to Wii U? We asked the game's producer, Yuji Korekado, at an event in Los Angeles last week. Here's the transcript:

Kotaku: Do you have plans to bring Revengeance to Wii U?
Korekado: No.
Kotaku: Why not?
Korekado: We really developed the game based on these two consoles [PS3, 360] and the Wii U, we think, is unique in a way that the controller is innovative and the entire console's pretty much not hand-in-hand with the consoles that we're making it for now. So if we were going to make it for the Wii U we'd have to start from zero again and really design something for that console, so we could say 100% that it was a good game for this console.
Kotaku: Could Wii U run the Revengeance engine?
Korekado: I haven't really tried it, so I'm not quite sure.

This pretty much sums up the 3rd party situation of the Wii U right now - Nintendo completely messed up the market timing of launching this new console and working with the developers 12 months prior to this launch to make sure they started working on porting games or at least being aware and thinking of the Wii U. The games coming out in 2013 didn't take 12 months to develope but have been in development for at least 2 years. You can't just expect 3rd parties to drop everything and create new teams for Wii U ports at the last minute especially since Wii U's install base is currently less than 1.5 million consoles and the targeted consoles have 140 million users!

The Wii U will probably get a lot more games in 2014 and onwards since developers working on next generation console games now have the Wii U in mind (since it's 2012). The problem with that is Nintendo is missing a huge opportunity on building a 10 million userbase before the next generation Xbox next / PS4 arrive. The fact that they didnt' even have a "Killer Nintendo App" for launch or on the horizon shows they rushed the launch of the Wii U. I hope Nintendo does well but strategically, I think their management really missed the mark. When PS4/Xbox 720 launch, they'll have no choice but to lower prices next fall and by the looks of it the next 6 months are not going to give non-Nintendo fans many reasons to buy it for $350 (+ you'd need an external HDD, so it's really $400+).

With so many cross-platform games and decent number PS3 exclusives coming out next year, existing console gamers are too busy worried about having enough money to buy all the games they want to play instead of spending $350 + HDD on a new console that won't even have those games, but neither does it have the killer 1st party line-up of Nintendo either. I seriously don't understand how Nintendo went from NES/SNES and slowly over time ended up where they are today.