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killerzX said:

Sigh, this "data" is so biased and skewed that it's laughable and looks like something a 4chan user constructed. Tobacco use, unintentional in the case of killing via 2nd hand smoke, intentional with consent and addiction in the death of the smoker, also completely different. Medical errors, unintentional. Unintentional injuries, unintentional. Alcohol abuse, addiction and completely different. Motor vehicle accidents, unintentional. Unintentional posioning, unintentional. Drug abuse, addiction and completely different. Unintentional falls, unintentional. Non-firearm homicides, intentional. Firearm homicides, intentional.

The graph has grouped completely unrelated causes together in order to make firearm homicide seem insignificant in comparison, when in reality the only category that goes with firearm homicides is non-firearm homicides. Those pretty lines would look a lot larger if you group the related causes together. Also, if the 11 thousand death toll from firearms can be reduced via greater restrictions, then what's the problem with it? In the case of this shooting, NO ONE needs 4 firearms. That in itself is a problem, and a major one as it has been evidenced after today's incident.

Also, in response to that stupid comment about baseball bats in this graph, would 20 children today have died if that guy had a baseball bat? Hell, even a knife? The answer is obviously no. Firearm homicide after these 4 incidents has become a significant problem, there's no way one can spin it.