By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Close are aware that the Wii U has a completely new architecture, right..? And it's going to have a very similar architecture to the PS4 and 720..? That's why developers have had problems porting PS3/360 titles to the Wii U, it's going to be a great deal easier for developers to port between the Wii U/PS4/720 than it is currently between the Wii U/PS3/360.

And if you think that developers aren't in it for the money then you're living in Cloud Cuckoo-Land lol.

By the time the PS4 and 720 are released the Wii U will have an installed userbase between 10 and 15m in all liklihood, publioshers aren't going to ignore it...and development on the Wii U is going to be a great deal cheaper then development on the PS4 and 720 thanks to Nintendo giving developers tens of thousands of pounds worth of middleware, an IDE and Unity 4 engine free with every dev kit. And then you've got to take the eShop into account which gives developers a bigger cut than the PS3 and 360 shops and has less restrictions, so indie developers are going to be all over it.

The Wii U is going to have no problems with third party support this gen, both from publishers and from indie developers. They've pretty much done everything right.