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I think me and you are allot alike when it comes to the conversation,or the debating of religion.

i got to number 7 and said. this guy is awesome. i'd have to be paid millions not to agree.

as for the writing of the bible. it was interpreted by God to Jesus to man who continued to interpret (as they saw fit) it.

well i guess neither of us could debate each other cause we'd agree at least 60% of the time from what i read. i agree with 100%.

no one was given a choice of wether to believe or not to believe in god, as they were brought up learning there is or not.

Toronto Maple leafs + the Kansas city chiefs + Detroit lions + the Browns= sucks lol.

I feel the same as you, but under tied religion not the forms, but the theory of all the gods. the big bang is something i've used in my theory.

"3 – Then they have to prove that there are no contradictions counteracting that statement, which isn't common, since there were plenty of things about Jesus saying you're not supposed to judge and that every man woman and child was created in God's own image, meaning that God made gay people gay."

This I love the most. God (?) Test man to see what bases you'll judge on, giving you a list of things/situations during the course of our lives to see if you will or won't.


God or dog? i'll listen to all points of view, but don't shut me out cause you don't agree.