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#18 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess at number 18 is my way to rebel against the established order of things. I mean, mustn't a 'true' Zelda-fan hate Twilight Princess? I don't for one. My cousin does though, but what does he know? The fact is, it's an amazing game. For it's time the game's graphics were stellar, animation is still top notch to this day; I've never seen a horse animation so smooth and life-like as Epona's in Twilight Princess. Even if they were crude compared to later motion games, the motion control in the Wii-version of this game were an eye-opener. It wasn't Wii Sports, but Twilight Princess that sold me on the Wii. And it delivered big time; both an epic story and world and some of the best boss battles in video game history. Last but not least, Twilight Princess is the only game ever I've bought twice within a couple of months (like, two); I got it for both the Wii and the GameCube.

#17 - ?
My reaction:
O.O "What the... A chicken?? Oh, no... It's not."