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platformmaster918 said:
ironmanDX said:
Lol @ the Sony fanboys talking about the head start for the xbox 3. Even if we do get it, we don't need it this time. Xbox 1 was an introduction into the gaming world, the 360 was more about growth and gaining market share, which is why the year head start was a necessity. The 360 outsold the successor of the greatest selling home console in history ( to be fair, at least for the moment and the gen they were part of). We have the momentum, market share and brand awareness. Not to mention the juggernaut that is Microsoft behind the wheel. I'm not saying were going to win, that would be foolish, but as far as positioning, Microsoft are probably in the best position out of the 2 companies (Ninty has already started the next gen) to go into the next/this new generation.

I hate this "it was their first system" excuse.  Nintendo and Sony both led the market with their first system.  Hell Sony sold 100 million when many thought the ceiling for gaming was the NES's 60 million and they did it going against two established juggernauts in SEGA and Nintendo.  Xbox got its ass beat fair and square.  Also I don't think its reasonable to expect to maintain 70+% market share like Sony had with PS2.  That being said without 4 major advantages being handed to them this gen I don't think MS will be as strong the next go around.

Xbox got its ass beat fair and square. 

When did I say otherwise? I didn't.


Also I don't think its reasonable to expect to maintain 70+% market share like Sony had with PS2.

Why? Because times are different? Exactly. Comparing the first xbox launch compartive to Nintendo or Sony? You can't.