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NeoRatt said:
With the low sales levels for consoles in general this year, even if the PS3 dominates through next year it will probably only outsell the 360 by 10-30k per week typically. Console sales will not suddenly skyrocket next year.

I see next year will be much the same as 2012... I expect the PS3 will gain ground but at the slow rate it gains, 360 will stay ahead. Then, MS will release a new console at the end of 2013 which will lower sales of 360 but, not enough to let PS3 by... In 2014 PS3 will take over assuming the PS4 is not released in 2013.

It is like winning the bonus leg after the end of the race. 1st place trophy awarded, 2nd place trophy awarded... But by the end of the bonus leg of the race, 3rd won 2nd overall... There was no trophy awarded, just a token mention that they moved up a position after no one cared.

ha ha ha token. that's not the reallity by any means. someones always going to care otherwise we wouldn't have threads about past gen., and mentions of the best console, or threads about them.

it's not as simple as Wii wins the 7th gen. even if (hypothetical) PS3 outsales it in the end. hell right now, people are debating wether 3ds has out sold PS2 because we stopped tracking it about 2 yr.'s ago.

don't think just because the gen end, the conversation ends. it's not that cut and dry.