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Well I suppose it is informative to know what haters hate, and it isn't the worst article ever written, or on this same subject for the matter. At least the author made a case, even if it was far too bellicose for some on these forums. I am not saying it is a good case, or a convincing one. It is just that I have read far worse, and yes it is journalism. Even if it is crappy.

As for the worst console in my personal experience it would have to be the Atari 2600. The obvious reason being that the console had no quality control whatsoever. We talk about bad games on these forums a lot, and sometimes you have someone claiming a game is unplayable, but that is actually a over statement. That console had games that were so bad. That you couldn't actually play them. I remember one platforming game where I never could make the first jump in the first level. I am not even sure it was possible. I am not saying there weren't a few good games on the console, but it was like a colossal crap shoot to just find a game that was playable let alone fun. We had like twenty games for that console, and you could only actually play like two of them.