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ethomaz said:

yo_john117 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but don't they just need one GOTY award to make a GOTY edition of a game? Because I could swear I've seen GOTY editions that haven't gotten very many GOTY awards.

Also can you link that GOTY counter website, I want to see who wins it for this year.

Well to be called GOTY Edition you need at least one award to put it in the cover... if you don't have a GOTY award then you release with any name you want but not GOTY Edition.

I don't have the link for the site.


That's what I kind of figured. In that case every single main Halo could have had a GOTY edition but MS doesn't do GOTY/ultimate/whatever other name you can think of for Halo games.


Also there is no GOTY edition for Halo CE

EDIT: It may have a thing that says that it was GOTY but it isn't a re-release of any sort (like actual GOTY editions with extra content are)