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Renar said:


So, yes, Nintendo will ultimately help HD sales, since it has brought in a large base to gaming. Whether it helps Sony and MS this generation or next is more unknown.

I agree with this statement

Kasz216 said:

Most people (not counting the new casuals) don't even dream of owning more then one system, and never have.  Even when the systems drop to extremely low prices.

This is so true. Even with the GC reaching $99 after it's 3rd year, only 20 million people picked it up. Does anybody have any information on how many people owned only a GC or Xbox last generation? I would be surprised if the number of people who only owned a GC or Xbox was more than 20 million, if not as low as 10 million. That means of the 116 million PS2 users, somewhere between 20 and 30 million of them owned a second console. An "attach rate" if you will, of 17%. That's why it's so important to get a console out and get a large userbase quickly, because so few people will ever get a second console. People say that the Wii is selling only on price and that it's more of an impulse buy than anything else. Why then, didn't the GC sell so much better once it reached $99? For that price, you could have some really great games, and I'd almost pay $99 just to play SSB:M (though I didn't).

And like I said, it's not that nobody from this new group of gamers will stick with only the Wii. It's likely that some will also buy a PS3/360. That's just how it is, and I really hate it when people seem that it has to be one way or the other. It's just that the number of people that will end up buying a second console after becoming a gamer due to the Wii will be very small, and won't help the HD consoles enough overall for the number to really matter.

All in all, like with what Renar said at the top of this post, it probably will help HD consoles, but it may not help them this generation.