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platformmaster918 said:
sales2099 said:
platformmaster918 said:
sales2099 said:

Now that I have to disagree with. The gap is now at 2 million and will prob be 2.5 million by years end. PS3 cant make up a 2.5 million gap in one year. Probably in first half of 2014.

I hope you saw my edit.  A products ability to maintain the interest of consumers even after superior hardware is out should be counted.  If 360 can't keep selling because people lose interest or Microsoft can't support it with good enough games then they still lost.  You're just making fake parameters because you know Playstation consoles have the longest lifespans.

I did. PS2 was allready the winner, which was why it continued to sell well into the next gen. Also the competitors were nowhere near close in lifetime sales. PS3 is totally different then PS2 in those regards. Bad example.

Oh sales should be counted when next gen happens. Not denying that. Im saying "whos gonna care?", which is a very legit question.

If PS3 passes 360 in 2014 or 2015 when all 3 next gen consoles are out, people will just shrug in neutrality. They arent current anymore. Period. To me, 360 won when it was part of the current gen. Anything that happens after is hollow as again....people just wont care.

PS3 fans crack open the bubly and Xbox fans will cheer on the Xbox 3 beating PS4. The cycle begins a new and in the end you won nothing. Just inherited another generation of fighting for lost marketshare.

So I guess you're pretty sure Xbox 3 will beat PS4 then?  Considering they had every conceivable advantage this gen (a year head start +a couple months in Europe, no system sellers for PS3 in first 2 years, and most of all being 2/3 the price) and they're still going to end up 3rd I wouldn't be so confident.

Cute. Gen over gen Xbox improved and PS declined. I think the trend will only widen next gen.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.