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Nntendo Land has definitely made me say WOW! I expected a Nintendo themed Wii sports like game that was tailored toward casual gaming. Boy was I wrong.

Nintendo Land is a near perfect game. The presentation is amazing! Each attraction perfectly captures the game world it represents. I was in awe playing through the Metroid and Zelda attractions, each new level brought fantastic settings and the perfect rush of nostalgia mixed with new designs. The music tops off  the presentation and is Superb! The new songs and the remixes of classic Nintendo songs are incredible.

Each of the 12 attractions is unique and provides plenty of depth and challenge. I love that the single player games are throwbacks to the NES era of gaming. The Balloon Trip Breeze attraction is reminiscent of Paperboy for the NES. The competative games are a blast to play and the cooperative games are definitely the meatiest attractions of the games.The motion controls in this game are near perfect. The shooting mechanics in Metroid Blast are godly, Zelda Battlequests Bow and Sword controls are flawless, and Pikmin's touch controls are immaculate. The only games that can be a problem is the F-Zero game as the controller will sometimes de-sync and

For me, Nintendo Land is a near perfect game. The biggest negative I can give the game is the lack of online mulitplayer. Other then some minor complaints and nuances the game sets out what it meant to do perfectly.

The biggest mistake you can make about Nintendo Land is writing it off as a another Wii Sports game. I believe that Nintendo Land is best the game on the Wii U. ( Yes, better then Mario and Zombi U) and is a game that every Wii U owner should get if they haven't already.

I'm an advocate for motion controls, Nintendo, and Kicking freaking Toad to the Moon!

3DS Friend Code - 0860-3269-1286