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Stever89 said:
grimygory said:
I'm going to let everyone know for the last time, for those that were quoting me.

I have nothing against the Wii, second I'm camping out next Sunday at a local Circuit City to get a Wii. I have a PS3, Xbox 360, DS, PS2, Gamecube.

I want a Wii to complete my experience of this gen. I have nothing against no systems. No fanboy of none. I was just saying as Radziel pointed out already. 50-year olds are not going to convert to hardcore games. But for those that like-otherwise never played video games before and bought a Wii to get a feel of games, will eventually go after the big name titles, especially if companies start bringing similar titles to other platforms.

I for one started out with Super Mario. Loved the series for years, but eventually couldn't stop gaming and wanted every system. And eventually started to play all types of games and genres.

What I'm trying to say this topic that I'm discussing might target the little kids that bought Wii's, these children as they get older will eventually go for the big dogs (PS, Xbox brand) real soon. Since Nintendo is doing a excellent job bringing in more gamers (young and old) into the mix.

Sorry if I offended anyone, I most likely misunderstood the topic.

Two mistakes. First mistake is the first bolded area. If they are bringing "similar" titles to other platforms, doesn't that mean that similar titles to the ones bringing brought to the other platforms are already on the Wii, why would they go for another console, when they can get the same experience on the Wii? And it's not like the Wii won't have big name titles.

The second mistake is the second bolded part. Are there no "big dogs" on the Wii? Not yet maybe. And you (or at least Crazzy will) might point out that the PS3 has FFXIII, the PS3 and 360 have GTA4, the PS3 has MGS4. Those are simply games from last generation that have brand name. And those games came started as new IPs, and became huge, the same could happen for new IPs on the Wii.

And I don't think you offended anyone. It's just that people are trying to point out why you are not 100% correct. Yes, some people will follow a similar path as you. Buy a Wii, play non-casual games, move up to crossover games, and then to the more hardcore games. And then when they move to hardcore status they will go all out and buy at least one HD console to go with their Wii. But these types of people are in the minority. For all the good games that the GameCube and Xbox had, only 20+ million people found it worthly to get those consoles, and I bet probably 30 million of those people had a PS2. That's only a forth of the total userbase of the PS2 that had a second console. That's a rough estimate. It's just noteworthy that as more people buy Wiis as their primary console, more devs will put their titles on the Wii, and fewer titles will go to the HD consoles. Monster Hunter 3 is already a good example of this trend. By the time most people would be willing to go "big," most "big" games will be on the Wii anyway.

In conclusion, will some people buy an HD console for FF13 in addition to the Wii? Of course. It's just that not enough people will do that to say that the Wii bringing in more people will help the HD consoles.

Bro, your taking this Wii topic to seriously. I pointed out what could happen.

Currently Playing: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii), Halo 3 (X360), Brain Age (NDS), Pokemon Diamond (NDS), Warhawk (PS3)