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#21 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a very impressive game. The sad thing is though, I haven't even finished it. For it to earn a place on this list, fairly high even, while I've not finished the game (every other game on the list has been completed at least once) is a testament to how great it is. When it was released, I'd never seen a console game that looked this good. Better yet, it also actually turned out to be great to play too! The game offers a classic adventure / treasure hunting feel with some genuinely challenging parts. You really feel like you're on an adventure. Gotta finish this game I guess (and get Uncharted 3)!

#20 - ?
Now we've finally arrived at the top 20. The previous 30 games are still debatable; #43 could also have been #40, but the 20 games in this last part are rock solid. Each of them represent what I consider the pinnacle of gaming and the #20 is the #20 while the #1 is the #1. It would be highly difficult and unlikely to ever happen for a new game to ever enter this exclusive company of games.

Anyways, the #20 game hint:

The best units, are elephants.