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y is there so much apathy toward Nintendo developers? So what if 3rd parties don't sell on Wii. That's because their games arn't up to the level on Nintendo Developers' games. Is there something worng about making consistant good games time after time?

I don't care about 3rd party games selling on the Wii. I'm talking about the Wii's library itself. Nintendo isn't the only developer that I like. The industry is so large and diverse, and it has much more to offer than Nintendo. Nintendo is in no vastly superior to the rest of the great developers out there. In my opinion, Nintendo is just another great developer. They're not way, way better than the other great developers out there. There games alone do not make a consoles games better than another consoles games.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!