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happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:small bottle. This.Is.Fact.

ONE: OP wasn't an accusation, it was an observation. That's a big difference. An accusation is me telling you and hatz and mav and PS3-sales that you sabotaged the thread. That's an accusation. And I stand by it.

TWO: I KNOW that all manufacturers bundle, dear god man I have also been on these forums for a while. This is my SECOND account you know. smh

THREE: Even if all manufacturers bundle, the degree to which they do VARIES across the manufacturers. I mentioned this already, sadly I constantly have to repeat myself with you. As such, it is a VALID question.

FOUR: The people I was against didn't say "I smell jealousy". They said "I don't understand the point of this thread" or "/thread" like you did or "why isn't Galaki banned" like PS3-Sales said. I mean my post bundled them together for Pete's sake. I stand my ground to say you guys didn't understand the thought of OP and as such saw no value to his concern. That is YOUR fault and I was upset, and I am even more now that you're DEFENDING them. That's aweful. Their mistake was bad, but your defense makes it so much worse. It becomes hopeless to actually have people understand the thought of OP and actually discuss the topic nowadays, it seems.  And no, the masses are not on your side, because you're lying about what they actually said (except Hatz, you're not looking at what he said that caused me to be upset. He was asking for moderation of Galaki for this valid thread, which is preposterous).

FIVE: I said possibility of Underselling. Whether it's correct or not is IRRELEVANT. The point is that there is a possibility, and it's open to debate, and as such there are not only PS2 games bundled but also current-gen PS3 games. Games by Nintendo continue to sell strong many years later, the question is do Sony's games need to be price-reduced. It's OPEN FOR DEBATE. That's the main point I'm trying to make.

SIX: So since Sony have analysts, should we just close vgchartz since nothing we say is of importance? Yeah, I've heard that argument used for Nintendo as well "Iwata knows what he's doing.", I've used it myself, and I've long realized it's a bullshit excuse to avoid exchanging about a topic of discussion some of us are passionate about (though it seems not all).

SEVEN: I UNDERSTAND... I understand your last paragraph. Before entering the thread, I came in interested in discussing it. Now I've lost that interest, honestly. I'm trying to discuss with you, but I'm lost in this tangle of an affair that I got into with you. Yes, I realize there is a valid reason to bundle products,  I see that for games like Skyward Sword or Wii Fit. I haven't really seen it as something valid for regular controllers per se, since these are generally commodity items. But if you have a decent case to make about the importance of bundling games with regular controllers, I'm all ears and ready to tango.

But before that, we need to get over Mount Everest we created here.

I'm going to point you away from him for a moment.  You want to have a reasonable discussion then discuss it with me.  I think why a lot of people are upset with this thread is because it is directed at sony.  You need to remember that most users on this site are sony fans so they will defend it.  The title its self seems to be geared towards getting people in here to argue rather than have a good discussion.  

With that said all three companies do bundle a lot.  In fact I'd say probably every single exclusive that  has sold more than 1 million has been bundled at 1 point in time.  Some game get bundled more than others but it is a business strategy to get people to buy consoles and then buy more software.  If they like the bundled game they will also buy previous or future installments correct?  

So with all that said what is the argument we are having?  maybe I'm not getting it but I don't see how bundles is relying on selling game over 1 million.  Do you think sony, nintendo, or miscrosoft cares how many copies they sell?  They care about profits and that is what they are trying to do, to gain profits with new customers.