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Different with Starbucks, i suppose, but its harder to do with a company like Google or other internet companies where the source of revenue (as far as a taxable location) goes is a pretty sticky issue.

My catchall solution for non-internet companies would be complete abolition of corporate income tax in lieu of a VAT (or if VAT already exists along with corporate income, killing the latter and hiking the former to compensate), essentially moving everyone to a "pay to play" model; you want to play in a certain market, you have to give over the tax revenue. So no more subsidiary shell games or outsourcing of corporate headquarters, and the loss of the corporate income tax means that the cost doesn't get passed onto consumers as such (the burden on the company remaining roughly the same)

Makes sense to me, anyway. Why should the companies that follow the rules be "punished" by having to pay their fair share while the ones playing funny little games get off with less?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.