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Happy, I assure you that this thread is not about bundling.
If you will not listen to reason I do not know what else to do.

I will try with this little metaphor/microcosm.

The thread is a joke thread about sony games, saying they only way actually sell is when Sony bundles their games heavily. OP further goes on to say that 'even so, does this strategy only result in Sony losing money'.

The thread just cannot be about bundling. Why? Because all consoles are bundled. Hell, even all controllers get bundled at some point. Happy do some analysis here. If the thread is about bundling, then how can it be about sony, when all 3 bundle? If it is about Sony unable to sell its own games, then how can it be losing money on bundling them?

Please, please, please listen to rationale.

This is just a joke thread. It's not about bundling and the merits of it. There is no argument about bundling. As in, the argument does not exist. Bundling is sound strategy, always. Sales2099 was just coming in to say "peasant sony bundling on controllers, that's just disgusting", because he's differentiating the amount his console bundles. He's at least trying, because more xboxes have been bundled with games this gen, starting with the 199$ arcade.

You were not on topic happy. stop.