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DarkD said:
Its a big deal, its why everyone is buying the premium version over the basic version. Go to a store and ask if they have the premium, they sell out the day they come in, ask if they have the basic, and they usually have them a couple days after they come in. The hardcore know the difference, and people aren't afraid of buying online anymore. I believe that 10% back policy is the tipping point for a lot of people.

Well in the US and Euro using countries if you have any interest in Nintendo Land it is cheaper to buy the Premium than a Basic+game.  So they are saving 10 dollars/euros before even factoring in the increased storage, the stand, different color, and the eshop rebate.  It's not quite as obvious a deal in the UK, but I think even without the other things people would pay £50 more for a £40 game + more storage. The ZombiU bundle seems like it is difficult to find, but the Nintendo Land Premium one isn't.  It is in stock online at Tesco, Amazon UK, and Game.  So if people were clammoring for that online discount they could easily get it.